Nikki Haley lost her password, so she sent sensitive info over unclassified system

A serious woman listens intently to an earpiece.

Enlarge / Ambassador Nikki Haley listens at the United Nations. (credit: United States Mission Geneva / Eric Bridiers / Flickr)

Former US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley sent sensitive material over a network reserved only for unclassified material because she forgot her password for classified communications, The Daily Beast reported.

The event happened on July 4 and July 5, 2017, after North Korea had tested an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of hitting Alaska. As she and her staff scrambled to draft a statement responding to the test, Haley reportedly used her BlackBerry 10 to trade comments over the OpenNet, a State Department network for communicating sensitive, but not classified, information.

“Can’t find my password,” she wrote on July 5. Other messages instructed staff to make changes to the preliminary statement versions they had drafted.

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